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Sports Injuries
In this section we discuss
General Advice regarding Sports Injuries
Get Fit to prevent Injury
Golfers Elbow
Runner's Knee
Tennis Elbow
Children - Sever's Disease causing foot pain
General Advice regarding Sporting Injuries:
Physiotherapy plays a very important role in the management of Sporting Injuries. Our physiotherapists can optimize the performance of all athletes, irrespective of their age and fitness level. Sports injuries can occur in the elite athlete but also in the general community, in anyone who takes part in recreational sports such as tennis, golf, jogging, dancing and regular walking to name a few. They can affect young children playing sports and the elderly who like to keep fit with regular walking or swimming.
Physiotherapists can assist with the following in management of a sporting injury:
Manage the sporting injury with physiotherapy and get the athlete back to the sporting field as soon as possible
Assist in further injury prevention
Advice on Sports Conditioning
Maximisation of your fitness level
Design an exercise programme tailored for your individual sporting needs
Lengthen your sporting life.
Sports injuries can present in many parts of the body including the ankle, the knee, the hip, the shoulder, the elbow, the wrist and hand, as well as the neck and back. They are usually the result of a direct blow - a bruise or contusion or an indirect force like a twist, sprain, strain or tear. Overuse can also be responsible for causing tendonitis , stress fractures , shin splints.
It is important to commence physiotherapy early after a sporting injury, in order to reduce inflamation and start rehabilitation. Before you return to your sport it is essential to regain strength, mobility, co-ordination and balance. If you return to sport too soon you run the risk of re-injury and further prolonging your time off the field.
Rehabilitation can consist of:
- Hands on treatment including massage/soft tissue tecniques
- Mobilising exercises
- Strapping if required
- Modalities to assist in reducing pain and swelling
- Specific exercises to assist in return to sport
- Electrotherapy including Interferential and ultrasound
Get Fit to prevent Injury:
So you want to get fit and back in shape. If you are just getting started, it may be wise to address and niggling injuier, aches and pains before you start. See you physiotherapist to get your joints muscles and ligaments strong and mobile to reduce the risk of injury.
Your physiotherapist can assist you by designing an appropriate exercise regime to get you started safely and help you to build up to a higher level of fitness and ability. If you have a pre-existing injury, bad back, or other physical problems your physiotherapist can work on these areas to get you well enough to attend your gym , pilates classes, walking club etc. Your physio can design and supervise your gym workout so that you gain maximum fitness and strenghtening with reduced risk of injury.
Known as Epicondylitis, Golfer's Elbow is a condition causing pain nad discomfort in the inner elbow joint spreading to the forearm and wrist, stiffness in the elbow, weakness in the hands and wrist and numbness or tingling into the fingers.It is caused by repetitive movement that occurs in golfing which can ultimately damage the muscles and tendons that control the wrist and fingers.
Treatment includes rest and appropriate treatment from your physiotherapist.
This condition is also known as Iliotibial band Friction Syndrome. It occurs most commonly in runners and cyclists and is caused by over use of the knee. It presents as a pain in the outer part of the knee. This pain can start off as an intermittent pain, sharp and focal to the outer aspect of the knee. If it is not treated , it can develop into a persistent dull ache, worsening with climbing up or down stairs.
It can be caused by weakness in the Gluteus Medius muscle which is located at the top of the buttocks. When running the weak Gluteus Medius muscle does not cope and extra tension is placed on the Iliotibial band which then tightens.
Physiotherapy can assist with the rehabilitation of this condition. A specialised muscle strengthening programme is designed to stranghten the weak areas and rectify the abnormal biomechanics. Appropriate training programme will be recommended. ergo nomics of the sadddle in cycling and the footwear in running wll also be addressed.
SEVER'S DISEASE / Pain in the heel in kids
Sever's disease is a fairly common condition that occurs in children, usually between the ages of 8 and 12 years old. It occurs when the growth plate of the heel is injured while the child is still growing. It frequently occurs in puberty when the bones are growing faster that the muscles and tendons resulting in the muscles and tendons becoming tight and the heel becoming less flexible. The calf muscles and the achilles tendon can become tight.
During sport, there is extra pressure put on the heel while standing , running and jumping. This causes injury to the growth plate, causing the symptoms listed above.
The treatment includes:
Reducing the activity that is causing the pain
Ice, Stretching
Flexiblity exercises
Strenghtening exercises
Shoe insert
This is a relatively short term condition that can be well managed with the correct advice.
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